This means you choose what you want synced to your PC from your online OneDrive and it will be. For Windows 10, having OneDrive provide fast and reliable sync of your files is important. It didn’t feel like sync was as reliable as it needed to be. Then they would hop onto a flight (or go someplace without connectivity) and try to access a file they thought was on their PC and it wasn’t available because it was just a placeholder.
For example, people would expect that any files they see in File Explorer would be available offline by default. Microsoft heard a lot of feedback around this behavior. People had to learn the difference between what files were “available online” (placeholders) versus what was “available offline” and physically on your PC. In Windows 8.1, Microsoft used placeholders on your PC to represent files you have stored in OneDrive. Microsoft is introducing changes to how OneDrive syncs your files. When you save files to OneDrive, the files are automatically available to access or share from any device, even if something happens to your PC. OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service where you can view, browse, upload, and share the files you saved online to. How to Choose Folders for OneDrive Selective Sync in Windows 10