The wide fraternity of gamers has found multiple ways to run Fallout 3 on Windows 10 without any hiccups. But when has a minor inconvenience ever stopped gamers from gaming? One of which is the game crashing right after the player clicks on the New button to start a new game. The game was, however, developed to run on the clunky computers of the previous decade and as a result, users trying to run the game on the newer and more powerful PCs operating on the latest and greatest of Windows face some issues. Although, more than a decade after its release, Fallout 3 still attracts a lot of gamers and reigns as one of the most loved and played games around the world. Fallout 3 was followed by the release of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.
It is also one of the primary reasons why gamers around the globe love Bethesda Game Studios’ post-apocalyptic Fallout game series. Also, a research conducted in 2015, estimated that nearly 12.5 million copies of the game had been sold! The list includes multiple Game of the Year awards for the year 2008 and some for 2009, Role-Playing Game of the Year, Best RPG, etc.
Launched in 2008, the game has won numerous awards and accolades. Fallout 3 is unquestionably one of the greatest role-playing games ever made.