This message indicates that no Reply messages were received within the default time of 1 second. In this example, the website server is several time zones away. A ping reply for a PC/ Server on the same local network should be 1-10 milliseconds. The third arrow shows the average time it took to answer. This means that the connection is available and stable. The second arrow shows that all of the sent packets are received showing that there is 0% loss. This also shows that the computer is online and it has Internet access. The DNS address 'is displayed into the equivalent 54.187.xx.yy IP address. The first arrow shows the computer we are trying to reach is responding.
Here is a screenshot of a successful ping test: ping (This command will test for the Internet connectivity and DNS functionality.) Example: ping (This will ping the IP address of a device like a local computer, remote server or any client that receives an IP address to verify that it is reachable and that you can communicate with it properly.) Example: ping (this is the default IP address of NETGEAR routers).If the loopback step fails, it might be because the TCP drivers are corrupted, the network adapter might not be working, or another service is interfering with IP.) ping (This is a 'loopback ping' - your computer trying to talk to itself.